Saturday, December 7, 2024

New knowledge, New Horizon

     As the second quarter of school year 2024-2025 comes to an end, I have learned a lot of things. I experienced things I have never done before such as coding, specifically HTML coding. Now, I'll tell you all the things that I have learned from basic tags to hyperlink tags.

     My perception towards the basic information of HTML tags has grown as the quarter began. I learned how to use stand-alone and container tags and understood that their importance. I also learned how to change the font tace using the <font face> tag . Adding background colors, fonts and other attributes was fun to learn. It's undeniable and unavoidable that there would be errors or challenges that we encounter during coding. Miss-typed tags or characters, slow internet and many more but it still doesn't change the fact that we enjoyed typing and learning tags that can be used in the future. My classmates and friends, along with my teacher, Mrs. Vera Cruz, has guided me all throughout this journey. Mrs. Vera cruz has taught us everything and my classmates guided not only me but also my other classmates who struggled during the coding. I'm bery thankful of them. 

     Now that I have learned a lesson, it's time to move on yo the next journey I'm about to travel. I know that I did well with my coding and I hope that I will get to use it in the future.

May the new knowledge we gain inspire hope to continue improving our studies.


  1. Such a great experience! Learning is really fun to be honest. XD

  2. Incredible! I can't believe you made your way out of the dark. I'm so proud of you, keep on hanging on and never back down. Agyaman, ka - biuguenio!


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