Monday, September 23, 2024

Beloved Leader


President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

         Dear President Marcos

          I am writing you this letter to express my thoughts about the things you do or have done for our country and its people. First, I'm really curious about how you got your position as a President of our country even though you don't have a college degree because for me, education is important. Not just because you are the son of the late President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. I'm also thinking about how you handled and managed our economy. During your election campaign in the year 2022' you stated in your platform that you'll be declaring a new price for rice and make everyone have their own internets But I believe that there is a reason why you're destined to be the President. I hope that in the future, you'll be able to do or fulfill your duties and work as our beloved President.

Sincerely, Shaneah Astom


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